Sunday, March 9, 2014

Go Back To Then

Remember when
the green greens
glowed atawny
signifying summer?
Not quite when
you're a baby,
but not quite when
you've figured it out
And then your plans're torn asunder
and you wonder
as you feel the thunder
that comes from that under-
Underneath the ground
where you're found
with a furied sound
Awake to your cake
that's been filthily baked
There, there
that's where
each hair on the hare spares a battle for pair
Au pair to your forbears
in a battle for a pear
better pare your prayers
and again
there, there
because that's where
the payers find the swayers
Not to change the subject, but-
Did you know you were the sun?
The sovereign asked about you last night
I told him you were laid up again
perhaps with the flu
and babydoll, you know that it's true
you know that I love you
Tomorrow is a new day
Right next to never
this text we do deliver
parcel post or in a sliver
donate a kidney or a liver
Live or die, it's now or never.