Thursday, June 27, 2013

Killer from the Deep [or, she rhymes with poetry]

-written for The Haters out there
She draws from me
Sweet poetry,
All is as it should be
Dreaming apart from her.
Everynight I'm seething
From doves of dreams
And seeing everything -
I'm breathing.
Up above my lifeline
I trust this moment
Though it's fleeting.
Giv'n up on solace.
These eight ayem
December frolics:
Seein'em come n' seein'm go -
It isn't me.
No boast of burden
But I know when
I'm a-seein' hurtin'.
So in I'll come,
I'll say, a man at arms
And I'll treasure her
With gifts and charms
To every end, I -
Might I defend the love -
Until the very end
Of her, my dove?

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